Desde 1998 Easy-Life International B.V. ha fabricado productos para acuarios y estanques bajo la marca Easy-Life. Nos distinguimos en el mercado, por el hecho de que nuestros especialistas con formación universitaria tienen años de experiencia en el mantenimiento de acuarios y, como resultado, combinan su experiencia y conocimientos prácticos para fabricar nuestros innovadores productos. Gracias a la excelente reputación de Easy-Life y los excelentes resultados de sus productos, estos están ahora disponibles en más de 60 países, principalmente gracias a la publicidad boca-a-boca. Los productos ya no solo los utilizan los aficionados, sino también los comerciantes minoristas, mayoristas, zoológicos y los importadores y exportadores de peces y corales.

ProFito Abono profesional para plantas acuáticas “Producto del año para acuarios – Alemania”
Press release 2008 : Award “Best aquarium product 2008”
DUISBURG GERMANY - It is known that the product “ProFito Plant Fertilizer” has become “aquarium product of the year 2008 in Germany”. Every year Zoo Zajac GmbH chooses out of more than 12,000 products, the best products for categories Aquarium, Terrarium and Pond For the main category, Aquarium, “ProFito Plant Fertilizer ” has won the prize.
The most relevant criteria were: good price, quality, innovation, no complaints. Awarded by the management, the sales team of Zoo Zajac, and their customers that through orders could make a choice. The price is explained in their new Katalog 2008.

Award Filter Medium 2004
Press release 2004 : Award “Best aquarium product 2004”
DUISBURG GERMANY - It is known that the product “Easy-Life filter medium” has become “aquarium product of the year 2004 in Germany”. Every year Zoo Zajac GmbH chooses out of more than 12,000 products, the best products for categories Aquarium, Terrarium and Pond For the main category, Aquarium, “Easy-Life Filter Medium” has won the prize. The most relevant criteria were: good price, quality, innovation, no complaints. Awarded by the management, the sales team of Zoo Zajac, and their customers that through orders could make a choice. The price is explained in their new Katalog 2005, which has a circulation of 300,000 units.